
Tuesday 29 January 2013

newspaper print nail art

Today i will be blogging about newspaper print nails.If your curious as to what it is well,its when you get newspaper clippings and copy them on your nails its fairly easy to do but a steady hand is needed aswell as to not smudge the letters and end up with black blobs on your nails. I will give you the step by step to complete this look.I think it is a really nice look and looks quite elegant you can find imspirationalmwords and put them on top of your nail polish.You can have them as vibrant as you want but you will need to find a bolder print but having said that i find that pale nail polish works easier as you can see the art much clearer, but do becareful because i accidently used some clippings from another newspaper and erm...well if you get offended easily im sorry this is not meant to offend anyone but the words i accidently used and i didnt realise at the time,tits and also dick haha so you can imagine i was like OMG and removed them straight away as they could havemeasily offended someone.So becareful what you cut out.I have been doing this look since school (many years ago) and people liked it and thought it looked different and eventually its caught on.So here is the step by step on how to achieve this look. Firstly you would need pale nail polish,rubbing alcohol (water works just aswell),nail polish remover,some q tips,clear nail varnish, a small bowl or spoon to put the liquid in and also the newspaper clippings. STEP ONE-apply a coat of nail polish to your nails,i find that you only need one coat as it becomes a bit harder with 2.Wait until your nails are completely dry i leave it for about 10-15 minutes just to be sure. STEP TWO-dip your nail into the rubbing alcohol or water then get a newspaper strip and put on top of the nail and press firmly down for a few seconds then gently remove...TA should have worked and if not then just re-dip your nails in water getting them really wet helps the ink to come off the newspaper.Then just repeat step two with the rest of the nails. STEP THREE-after your nails are dry and the ink is dry,apply the clear nail varnish to seal it all in. STEP FOUR-use the q tips and nail varnish remover to get rid of ink or polish off your skin and around the nail carefully.Also your thumb might become a bit black so just wipe them over with the q tip. STEP FIVE-show off your new nail art and wear proudly. Have fun :-)

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